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Public Charging Station

Become the preferred choice of parking for EV owners

Welcome to a world of business opportunities by adding charging solutions to your parking spaces.

Public Parking Lots

Become the preferred choice of parking for EV owners

Welcome to a world of business opportunities by adding charging solutions to your parking spaces.

Talk To Our Expert

EV owners are always on the lookout for convenient charging options hence providing EV charging solutions at public parking lots makes business sense.

Why Partner With Us?

Opportunity For Increased Revenue

We believe in optimizing idle spaces to create business opportunities for you. Collaborate with us to build a revenue stream by installing EV charging stations.

Higher occupancy rate

EV drivers are loyal to infrastructure that compliments their needs, and providing them the convenience of charging at your premises will make them loyal to you. This would ensure a higher occupancy rate at your premises over competition.

Brand Value

The presence of charging stations ensures a high brand value in the eyes of EV owners who are constantly searching for ease of charging, thus building the image of the facility.

Get started with your EV charging journey today!

DSK Power follows the below process after you fill out the form and submit it


Requirement gathering

Our EV experts will get in touch with you to understand you requirements



You will have to submit some documents for verification


Site survey

Our installation partner will conduct a survey of the site



Depending on the extent of work required at the site, agreements will be signed by both parties



On confirmation the charging station will be delivered and installed

By submitting your personal details, you hereby authorise DSK Power team to contact you to provide the information requested by you.
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